FrequenSea FAQ
*Pleasurably sweet.
*Has traces of silver and pau Darco to prevent bacteria and fungal growth.
*Has blueberries, cranberries, and Astaxanthin to carry it to even the smallest blood vessels of the body.
*Our first tests indicate that it has 2 to 3 times the
charge of the competition
* Tastes better at even double the concentration
*Kids will even drink it!
*Can be defined as a whole natural food,
*Without imitation flavoring.
*Ionic Sea Minerals
*Minerals are catalysts for literally every function of the body.
*Minerals are the building blocks of life.
We call them the metabolic spark plugs of life,
*Vitamins need minerals to work efficiently and effectively.
*95% of diseases have a mineral deficiency component according to Linus Pauling. Yes the one with the new stamp,
*Ionic source of sea minerals, non metallic minerals No toxic buildup.
*More easily assimilated by the body
*high bio-availability.
*65+ minerals all in one product.
*Mineral blend is balanced by nature for synergistic benefits.
*Structure of your body dependant on minerals
ex: calcium requires silica
*Especially important for athletes and active people sweat out electrolytes
*MINERALS CANNOT BE SYNTHESIZED BY THE BODY, must be regularly obtained through our food, drink, or supplements.
After the mineral enters the body, it must compete with other minerals for absorption; therefore, minerals should always
be taken in balanced amounts.
Charles Northern, MD., a government consultant and one of earliest nutritional physicians, said: "It is not commonly
realized that minerals control the body's appropriation of vitamins in the absence of minerals, vitamins have no function.
Lacking vitamins, the system can make use of the minerals, but lacking minerals, the vitamins are useless." (US Senate
document #264)
*We can get along without vitamins, perhaps, but we cannot get along without minerals.
*The human body can manufacture some of the vitamins the B vitamins in the intestinal tract, vitamin D from sunshine,
as examples), but the body cannot manufacture its own minerals. They must be supplied by food, water or supplements.
*According to Bernard Spur, Ph.D., all life forms, whether vegetable, animal or human, depend upon minerals.
*Dr. Dikkers believes that mineral starved foods threaten millions of Americans despite the country's reputation of being
the best fed nation of earth. "During aging or illness, when the mineral supply is depleted, the cell growth slows down
and reproduction finally stops, resulting in death. The person is said to have died of natural causes and/or old age whereas
the cause may have been
mineral deficiency. There are many amazing cases of regeneration from adding minerals alone to the diet."
***According to the Senate Document No. 264, the official publication, 99 percent of American people are deficient in
minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.
**The body is equipped to chelate only a small amount of some inorganic elements from nature. Therefore, the body requires
the minerals to come from plants in a chelated form that the minerals may be properly assimilated and
utilized. The efficiency of each mineral is enhanced by balanced amounts of the others.
**The body must maintain an adequate mineral supply to maintain a balance between internal and external pressures of the
body cells called osmotic equilibrium. This state must be maintained for normal cell function and continued youthful health.
*All nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugars, oils, etc., require minerals
for activity.
All bodily processes depend on the action of minerals.
* Trace minerals are more important in nutrition than vitamins. Vitamins can be synthesized by living matter, minerals
*Vitamins are required for every biochemical activity of the body.
Vitamins cannot function unless minerals are present.
*Minerals are the catalysts that make enzyme functions possible. Chelated minerals combine with enzymes into an alkaline
detoxifying agent which neutralizes the acid metabolic by-products of the cells and other toxic
conditions within the body and prepare them for elimination.
*Hormonal secretion of glands is dependent upon minerals.
*The acid-alkaline balance (pH) of the tissue fluid is controlled by minerals.
****All elements work together as a collective whole.*****
If there is a shortage of just one mineral, the balance of the entire bodily activity can be thrown away.
A deficiency of one mineral may disrupt the entire chain of life, rendering other nutrients either useless or inefficient.
* The concept brought forth by French scientists concerning the biological transmission of the elements within the body
makes it understandable as to why the body needs a broad range of chelated minerals in balance to regain and maintain good
Minerals are, therefore, justified as a supplemental dietary substance especially in these days when the mineral content
of our fruits and vegetables are destroyed by petrochemicals and synthetic fertilizers.
Astaxanthin Super Sea Algae
Astaxanthin is a powerful, natural, biological antioxidant extracted from the marine micro-algae, Hae-matococcus plu-vialis.
It is the carotenoid responsible for the pink pigmentation in the flesh of salmon, lobster, krill and other aquatic animals
and plants. Carotenoids, like astaxanthin, are also the red, orange and yellow plant pigments that give fruits and vegetables
their vivid colors.
The carotenoid complex contains Astaxanthin and other carotenoids, primarily; carotene, canthaxanthin and lutein, and
Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids. These natural compounds are important nutrients and protectants for the skin and
for whole body health.
Astaxanthin also crosses the blood-brain barrier, which makes it available to the eyes, brain and central ner-vous system
to alleviate oxidative stresses that contribute to ocular and neurodegenerative diseases, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration
or Parkinson's Disease and may also destroy H. pylori bacteria.
Many carotenoids, such as astaxanthin, act as antioxidants to protect our cells from *free radicals. Astaxanthin's powerful
antioxidant properties are related to its unique molecular structure. It has polar end groups that allow it to span across
the cell membrane's bilayer. This means astaxanthin is available to work near the fat/water interface where free radical attack
first occurs.
Human Benefits of Astaxanathin
Astaxanthin is the platform for a wide range of products and can address each of the following human indications:
* Increases strength and endurance (2 - 8 times greater increase over baseline verses
placebo in human study).*
* Alleviates symptoms in patients with H. pylori (pre-ulcer indigestion).*
* Protects cells and mitochondrial membranes from oxidative damage, thus protecting the cell from oxidative damage.**
* Boosts immune system by increasing the number of antibody-producing cells.**
* Prevents the initiation of cancer cells in the tongue, oral cavity, large bowel, bladder, uterus, and breast.**
* Inhibits lipid peroxidation that causes plaque formation, thus reducing risk of cardiovascular disease.**
* Alleviates stress and may assist in neurodegenerative conditions such as AMD, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS.**
* Protects the eyes and skin from UV A and B damage by quenching singlet and triplet oxygen.**
* Reduces the number of new and abnormal cells in the liver.**
* Confirmed in human clinical study.
** Confirmed in preclinical studies.
Unique Mechanisms of Astaxanthin Action
*Spans the cell membrane bilayer (fat/water) because of its polar end groups attached near the fat/water surface where
free radical attack first occurs.
* Crosses the blood brain barrier... 1 of only 4 antioxidants known to do that.
* Inhibits the destruction of the fatty acids and proteins in the cell membrane and the mitochondrial membranes in the
cells caused by peroxidation of fats.
* Stabilizes free radicals by adding them to its structure (long double-bonded chain) rather than donating an atom or
* Is more resistant to chain reactions that can occur when fatty acids are oxidized, thus allowing it to scavenge or quench
longer than an antioxidant who cannot stop this chain reaction.
* Neutralizes singlet and triplet oxygen by de-charging them.
* Traps more types of radicals (alkoxyl, hydroxyl, peroxyl and singlet and triplet oxygen).
* Because it binds to a lipid, (fat) protein, Astaxanthin travels more readily in the body and is more available for use.
* Spanning the bilayer with its polar end groups Astaxanthin may increase cell
membrane rigidity and me chanical strength.
* Inhibits reactive oxygen species that causes inflammation to the cells, thus antiinflammatory capabilities.
* Transports alkoxyl radicals along its long chain
(like a bridge) to fat/water interface,
where water soluble antioxidants such as Vitamin C can scavenge them.
Astaxanthin Effectiveness and Synergy
* Is at least 10 times more effective as an antioxidant than beta-carotene.
* Is 100 to 500 times more effective in inhibiting lipid peroxidation as an antioxidant than Vitamin E.
* Has greater anti-inflammatory capability than Vitamin E.
* Has at least 4 times the antioxidant capacity of lutein.
* Provides superior protection against UVA light-induced oxidative stress.
* Is more stable in scavenging and quenching than beta-carotene, canthaxanthin, and zeaxanthin.
* Is the most potent antioxidant in enhancing T1 helper cells and suppressing interferon-
* It is more effective than lycopene, lutein and beta-carotene in immune protection against initiation and promotion of
* Enhances the actions of Vitamins C, and E in the body.
* Enhances the release of retinol (Vitamin A) from the liver when needed.
Astaxanthin Safety
* There are no known side effects.
1. Britton, G. 1995. Structure and properties of carotenoids in relation to function. FASEB J. 9:1551 8.
2. Jorgensen, K. May 1993. Carotenoid scavenging of radicals. Effect of carotenoid structure and oxygen partial pressure
on antioxidative activity. Zeitschrift Lebensm Unters Forsch, 196(5):423-429.
3. Kurashige, M. et al. 1990. Inhibition of oxidative injury of biological membranes by astaxanthin. Physiological Chemistry
and Physics and Medical NMR, 22(1) 27-38.
4. O'Connor, I. et al. March 1998. Modulation of UVA light-induced oxidative stress by beta-carotene, lutein and
astaxanthin in cultured fibroblasts. J Derm Science, 16(3) 226-230.
5. Terao, J July 1989. Antioxidant activity of beta carotene related carotenoids insolution. Lipids 24(7):659-66.
6. Tinker, J.J. et al. December 1994. Dietary carotenoids protect human cells . . . J Photochem and Photobiol 26(3):283-5.
At its peak, its value rivaled and was traded for gold, the rarest silks, and the most precious of gems. Ironically, it
is but a milky white resin produced by a scrubby, unlikely
looking tree, genus Boswellia.
During ancient times, frankincense was considered more valuable than gold.
It has been traded for at least 5000 years.
Today, as in years past, frankincense, regardless of its origin is a valued commodity, its pure essential oil selling
for up to a dollar a drop on the streets.
It is the "mother" of all essential oils.
Throughout history, Frankincense has been used to treat and or prevent:
* Cancer
* Abdominal tumors
* Arthritis
* Heal wounds
* Renew Cells
* Lower fever
* Fight off infections
And used as a:
* Sedative,
* Tonic,
* Astringent
* Stimulant (anti-depressant)
* Disinfectant
It's especially useful to the respiratory system during seasonal changes and aids
* Coughs
* Excess mucous
* Pharyngitis
* Laryngitis
* Bronchitis
* Colds and flu
* Parasites
Excellent for use with stress related conditions and anxiety, due to its ability to have a calming effect on the nervous
system, by crossing the blood-brain barrier.
Marine PhytoPlankton
* "Marine Phytoplankton is the base of all plant life" NASA
* "The future of nutrition lies in the ocean" Jacques Cousteau
* The body heals itself when it has the raw materials to do the job, Facts
* Marine Phytoplankton is an endangered species, no one is allowed to harvest it.
* Marine Phytoplankton is responsible for 90% of the earth's oxygen.
Most of us think that the primary source of oxygen is the rainforest (responsible for less than 10%) that's just politics
* Marine Phytoplankton controls the temperature of the ocean water.
It's one of the biggest environmental players on our planet.
* Literally translated, phytoplankton means "light floating on water" [Phyto-sun; plankton-subject to ocean
* Phytoplankton is a single-cell organism, there are several hundred species
* Marine Phytoplankton is what shellfish eat marine microalgae invisible to the human eye
* Original food source in the ocean, one of the most ancient food sources on the
planet, food source for ALL living organisms in the ocean
* Whales, largest mammals on the planet, live to 75 – 150 yrs.
Females eat (load up) on plankton in Alaska, travel to Maui to give birth and nurse babies, then travel back to Alaska
to eat.
After leaving the waters of Alaska, they don't eat until they return.
All the nourishment is derived from feeding on phytoplankton in waters of Alaska.
(If it can nourish them to that extent what could it do for human beings?)
Krill eat it and now we pay big dollars to get Krill Oil...eat what they eat!
* The proof of its viability and contribution is over millions of years.
The Story
Man in BC who had made it his life work to develop a process for extracting phytoplankton from the ocean, recreating its
bloom in tanks, all year round, letting it
constantly 'give-back' to the ocean.
Constantly 'bleeding' into the ocean.
Shellfish seed production, major player in the fishing industry.
First farm that grows plankton.
8 1-Million liter tanks, half on-land, half on-ocean.
July 2004 diagnosed with lung cancer rare, fast moving from asbestos poisoning.
9 months to live.
Daughter (wife, mother of 2) moved home to help him with all arrangements.
After diagnosis, one day decided to stick his finger into the algae and try it.
Everyone thought he was a nutcase, he thought 'what do I have to lose?'
A few months later (in winter) scheduled for surgical procedure to staple lungs to rib (so won't collapse) extend life
a bit.
Surgeons found that cancer had stopped, Tumor benign.
Biopsied 11 sites, every one of them clear.
Only variable that had been introduced to his life was eating algae he had grown.
Now Cancer free Previously dependent on insulin (80+IU daily).
No longer needs insulin.
Developed patent-pending extraction process (highly guarded secret) to make it available for human consumption.
The Technology
Until now, no one has been able to farm phytoplankton, scientists have considered it to be impossible.
To make Marine Phytoplankton available to man, that is the breakthrough.
The breakthrough is in how to extract it.
To give you an example of how rare and precious this is: It takes 3-30 gallon beakers to make 1/2 pt of phytoplankton
which then makes a tsp. or so of powder.
24 Kilos of paste makes 1 kilo of powder.
The sea water is brought into the farm from large pipes that are 80 feet deep and go way out into the channel.
The water is pristine and more pure than most sea water.
The Assurance
Each batch of marine phytoplankton is tested when it leaves the plant, then again on the mainland to assure there is no
detectable mercury, yeast, mold etc.
There is documentation on EACH batch.
Nothing artificial, nothing synthetic.
* The paste was 1st crude attempt at making available to man.
Was 85% water, organic filler (potato starch), and heat-dried marine phytoplankton.
* One bottle of FrequenSea has equivalent of phytoplankton in 1 tub of paste is freeze dried not heat dried, AND it has
all the other goodies, minerals, frankincense, astaxanthin etc.
What we're seeing
It helps mammals of all types.
You can put it in your dog's food. There several success stories.
IT doesn't 'cure' the animals, supplies raw materials for bodies to heal.
It's like the perfect fuel for high performance race cars; It helps ALL the parts function at optimum.
Feeds on a cellular level so cells are functioning as they were intended to (it's been sustaining life on this planet
since the dawn of time!)
Think alkaline, oxygen, whole food.
Plankton appears to self-correct and balance the body's systems