On January 2nd 2008
Energy Just Got Healthy
AMPLIFIRE is one of the Flagship products of ForeverGreen and AMPLIFIRE was officially launched to the world January 2nd
Now you can have energy and be safe drinking it at the same time. I am excited to have this so my children will have
a healthy alternative to all the energy drinks out there that are not so healthy.
AMPLIFIRE tastes good to and is so handy to carry.
AMPLIFIRE is an Organic or Clean, Safe and Natural energy drink that will not harm you.
There is No Sugar and No Carbonation in AMPLIFIRE. AMPLIFIRE is Instantly Bio-available and will help to Promote General
Health. AMPLIFIRE is Water Soluble, from Nature. Because of that, AMPLIFIRE will Complement Any Physical Activity.
The Proprietary and Exclusive Blends in AMPLIFIRE, have the Potential Benefits to deliver Mental Clarity, Vitality, Endurance,
Happiness, Prolonged Energy, Better Performance, Prolonged Energy Performance.
AMPLIFIRE has also been known to Magnify Dreams.
Drink to your health.
Today is a preview of tomorrow's reality. Later we will say 'I wish I had' or 'I'm glad I did', but we make that choice
AMPLIFIRE is where Energy & Health Collide
Organic or Clean
Safe and Natural
No Sugar
No Carbonation
Instantly Bio-available
Promote General Health
Water Soluble from Nature
Compliment to Physical Activity
AMPLIFIRE gives you the energy you need to create the life you want today.
Fuel the fire within you while supporting your overall health.
Don't risk your health and happiness for artificial energy.
AMPLIFIRE is an exclusive combination of safe energy and natural health products.
AMPLIFIRE utilizes ForeverGreen's patent-pending technology to take natural plane concentrates and render them water-soluble,
making them instantly absorbed.
These proprietary blends contain natural, safe, clean and organic ingredients for instant energy that lasts for hours.
AMPLIFIRE'S ingredients include:
Water accounts for a large percentage of the human body. Our brain is 94% water. Water is essential to re-hydrate the
brain, and is required for healthy digestion and nutrient absorption.
Astaxanthin is a powerful, natural, biological antioxidant extracted from marine micro-algae. It contains important nutrients
and protectants for the skin and contributes to whole body health. It also crosses the blood brain barrier, which makes it
available to the eyes, brain and central nervous system to alleviate oxidative stress that contributes to ocular and neuro-degenerative
Oranges have over 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids, many of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory,
anti-tumor and blood clot inhibiting properties, as well as strong antioxidant effects.
Limes contain unique flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Of special interest are flavonoids
called flavonol glycosides, which include many kaempferol-related molecules.
While these flavonoids have been shown to stop cell division in many cancer cell lines, they are also beneficial for their
antibiotic effects.
Native to India and China, Ginger has long been known for its healing powers. Researchers have discovered that ginger
can block the effects of prostaglandins, reducing migraine and arthritis pain. Ginger is also shown to lower high cholesterol
levels by its active ingredient, thromboxane.
Frankincense (Olibanum)
Frankincense resin has been used for centuries for numerous health properties. Modern science has isolated active compounds
from Frankincense found to have anti-arthritic properties. It is also exceptionally good for the respiratory, nervous and
immune systems.
Pomegranate (Punica Granatum)
Pomegranate juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin B, pantothenic acid, potassium and antioxidant polyphenols.
This powerful antioxidant is especially effective at attacking free-radicals in the body. Globally, pomegranate is included
among a novel category of exotic plant sources called super-fruits.
Agave nectar has been used for centuries as a flavoring, yet native populations have long been aware of its health benefits.
The Aztecs used a mixture of agave nectar and salt as a dressing for wounds and a balm for skin infections. Agave's use as
a folk remedy persists today.
Geranium (Pelargonium Adoranitissimum)
Originating in Africa, there are 422 species made up of annual, biennial and perennial plants. Although there is a wide
variety, only certain plants can be used to produce concentrates that are beneficial in balancing emotions and aiding in circulation.
Ylang Ylang (Cananga Odorata)
A small yet fragrant flower found on the cananga tree,Ylang Ylang is commonly used for aromatherapy and skin care. However,
traditional healing uses include insomnia, depression and hypertension.
Tulsi (Super Basil)
Tulsi has been revered in India for over five thousand years as a healing balm for body, mind and spirit.
It is known to bestow an amazing number of health benefits in these areas. Tulsi is rich in antioxidants and is renowned
for its restorative powers.
Aronia Berry
Aronia was well known to natives and early settlers, but has not been commercially cultivated in the U.S. since the turn
of the century. Aronia contains up to ten times the amount of anthocyanins and polyphenols of blueberry and cranberry.
Passion Fruit (Passiflora Edulis)
An egg-shaped tropical fruit that is also called a purple granadilla, passion fruit has a wrinkled purple brown rind enclosing
flesh covered seeds. The seeds are edible, so the pulp can be eaten straight from the shell. Purple passion fruit originated
in South America and is used in a variety of foods because of its sweet flavor.
Turmeric is a common ingredient of traditional oriental medicine for use as a stomach tonic and blood purifier, and was
used for a variety of skin conditions and minor injuries. Turmeric is considered potentially beneficial for use in connection
with symptoms associated with a variety of health conditions due to its purported antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory,
and antibacterial effects.
Peppermint is a universally accepted ingredient known for both its great taste and its soothing medicinal properties.
Many people use peppermint leaves to soothe stomach ailments and other mild illnesses. It is also used to energize the body
and provide digestive support.
This tart and tangy fruit is being incorporated into many recipes as recent studies show they are loaded with nutrients
and antioxidants. Cranberries support cholesterol and provide cardiovascular benefits.
They are also well known for fighting bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections.
Rosemary Antioxidant
The wonderful smell of rosemary is often associated with good food but it could just as easily be associated with good
health. Rosemary contains substances useful for stimulating the immune system, increasing circulation and improving digestion.
Roses contain high amounts of vitamin C that supports the digestive system while nourishing the body. Roses also contain
vitamin A derivatives crucial for replenishing skin and strengthening hair and nails.
Niacin (vitamin B3) is primarily utilized for energy metabolism, but also is an antioxidant nutrient that helps the body
inhibit the formation of damaging free radicals. Niacin also lowers blood levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
Guarana is a shrub or small tree, native to Venezuela and northern Brazil, known for the high stimulant content of the
fruit. As a stimulant, guarana acts on the central nervous system to prevent fatigue and break down lactic acid from muscle
stress. Guarana seeds are peeled, dried, roasted, ground, and made into beverages. Guarana also discourages blood clots,
stimulates the urinary tract system and promotes production of digestive juices.
Neroli (Citrus Aurantium)
Better known as orange blossom, neroli comes from the white blossoms of the bitter orange tree. This plant helps relieve
stress and promotes cell rejuvenation. Its floral and refreshing fragrance also makes it popular for aromatherapy.
Chili (Capsicum)
Chili peppers are of great importance in Native American medicine and capsaicin is used in modern Western medicine as
a circulatory stimulant and pain reliever. Two hundred scientific tests are currently underway on chilies as their health
benefits become more prevalent. Currently, chilies help fight pain, increase metabolism and ease nasal congestion.
Vitamin B-12
Vitamin B-12 is important for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. It also provides increased energy,
protects against cardiovascular disease and aids in regulating sleep and appetite. Research also indicates that Vitamin
B-12 may be related to depression.
I hope you can see why it is time to Get Fired Up with
If you are looking for a new stream of income you are in the right place at the right time.
With the boom in the Energy Drink industry, it is not surprising that AMPLIFIRE can create Residual Income for those
that join our team/family.
NieeMA & Jan Thasing
Click on the picture for more information |

Click on the picture to buy AMPLIFIRE |
chronic health condition,AMPLIFIRE,ForeverGreen, healthy alternative, energy drinks,healthy, handy to carry, No Carbonation,No
Sugar,Instantly Bio-available,Instantly Bio-available,Energy & Health Collide,Organic or Clean, Safe and Natural,Promote
General Health ,Water Soluble from Nature,Water Soluble,overall health, safe energy,natural health products,artificial energy,Astaxanthin,Oranges,anti-tumor,anti-inflammatory,
blood clot inhibitin,phytonutrients,immune systems,flavonoids,Ginger,thromboxane,Frankincense, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin
D, vitamin K,pantothenic acid,Pomegranate juice,Agave nectar, skin infections,folk remedy,Geranium,YlangYlang,insomnia,depression,hypertension,Tulsi,Turmeric,Neroli,
capsaicin,Vitamin B 12,Residual Income, chronic health condition,AMPLIFIRE,ForeverGreen, healthy alternative, energy drinks,healthy,
handy to carry, No Carbonation,No Sugar,Instantly Bio-available,Instantly Bio-available,Energy & Health Collide,Organic
or Clean, Safe and Natural,Promote General Health ,Water Soluble from Nature,Water Soluble,overall health, safe energy,natural
health products,artificial energy,Astaxanthin,Oranges,anti-tumor,anti-inflammatory, blood clot inhibitin,phytonutrients,immune
systems,flavonoids,Ginger,thromboxane,Frankincense, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin K,pantothenic acid,Pomegranate
juice,Agave nectar, skin infections,folk remedy,Geranium,YlangYlang,insomnia,depression,hypertension,Tulsi,Turmeric,Neroli,
capsaicin,Vitamin B 12,Residual Income, chronic health condition,AMPLIFIRE,ForeverGreen, healthy alternative, energy drinks,healthy,
handy to carry, No Carbonation,No Sugar,Instantly Bio-available,Instantly Bio-available,Energy & Health Collide,Organic
or Clean, Safe and Natural,Promote General Health ,Water Soluble from Nature,Water Soluble,overall health, safe energy,natural
health products,artificial energy,Astaxanthin,Oranges,anti-tumor,anti-inflammatory, blood clot inhibitin,phytonutrients,immune
systems,flavonoids,Ginger,thromboxane,Frankincense, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin K,pantothenic acid,Pomegranate
juice,Agave nectar, skin infections,folk remedy,Geranium,YlangYlang,insomnia,depression,hypertension,Tulsi,Turmeric,Neroli,
capsaicin,Vitamin B 12,Residual Income
chronic health condition,AMPLIFIRE,ForeverGreen, healthy alternative, energy drinks,healthy, handy to carry, No Carbonation,No
Sugar,Instantly Bio-available,Instantly Bio-available,Energy & Health Collide,Organic or Clean, Safe and Natural,Promote
General Health ,Water Soluble from Nature,Water Soluble,overall health, safe energy,natural health products,artificial energy,Astaxanthin,Oranges,anti-tumor,anti-inflammatory,
blood clot inhibitin,phytonutrients,immune systems,flavonoids,Ginger,thromboxane,Frankincense, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin
D, vitamin K,pantothenic acid,Pomegranate juice,Agave nectar, skin infections,folk remedy,Geranium,YlangYlang,insomnia,depression,hypertension,Tulsi,Turmeric,Neroli,
capsaicin,Vitamin B 12,Residual Income, chronic health condition,AMPLIFIRE,ForeverGreen, healthy alternative, energy drinks,healthy,
handy to carry, No Carbonation,No Sugar,Instantly Bio-available,Instantly Bio-available,Energy & Health Collide,Organic
or Clean, Safe and Natural,Promote General Health ,Water Soluble from Nature,Water Soluble,overall health, safe energy,natural
health products,artificial energy,Astaxanthin,Oranges,anti-tumor,anti-inflammatory, blood clot inhibitin,phytonutrients,immune
systems,flavonoids,Ginger,thromboxane,Frankincense, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin K,pantothenic acid,Pomegranate
juice,Agave nectar, skin infections,folk remedy,Geranium,YlangYlang,insomnia,depression,hypertension,Tulsi,Turmeric,Neroli,
capsaicin,Vitamin B 12,Residual Income, chronic health condition,AMPLIFIRE,ForeverGreen, healthy alternative, energy drinks,healthy,
handy to carry, No Carbonation,No Sugar,Instantly Bio-available,Instantly Bio-available,Energy & Health Collide,Organic
or Clean, Safe and Natural,Promote General Health ,Water Soluble from Nature,Water Soluble,overall health, safe energy,natural
health products,artificial energy,Astaxanthin,Oranges,anti-tumor,anti-inflammatory, blood clot inhibitin,phytonutrients,immune
systems,flavonoids,Ginger,thromboxane,Frankincense, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin K,pantothenic acid,Pomegranate
juice,Agave nectar, skin infections,folk remedy,Geranium,YlangYlang,insomnia,depression,hypertension,Tulsi,Turmeric,Neroli,
capsaicin,Vitamin B 12,Residual Income